Thank-you for registering as an Introducer.

An Introducer\'s Account has already been opened in your name and you can access it at using the Login in the top right corner.

Your Login details are:

Email: $_POST[car_email]

Password: $new_pass

Select the Introductions link to make recommendations.

Your Account will also provide you with a glimpse of the benefits on offer to the customers you recommend to us.

Payments will be made by bank transfer to any bank account of your choice. Please advise us of your payment instructions.

Yours sincerely

Greg Allen

All Craftsmen

"; $new_em_id = new_id("emailer_emails", "id", $db, 25); //mysql_query("insert into emailer_emails values('$new_em_id',NOW(),'0000-00-00 00:00:00','$_POST[car_email]','$message','','Introducer Application','$_POST[car_name] <$_POST[car_email]>','','Created_GC_email_$new_aid','',NOW())", $db) or die(mysql_error()); $tip_message = "Someone wants to be an introducer Details: Name: $_POST[car_name] Email: $_POST[car_email] Tel: $_POST[car_tel] Address: $_POST[car_address] Postcode: $_POST[car_postcode] Password: $new_pass Thanks. "; //mail("", "New Introducer", $tip_message); include(""); ?>
Thank you, we'll be in touch.